Truthfully, Amazon Game Studio has a really bad history. Open Beta will begin on September 9 at 7:00AM PT (2:00PM UTC) and continue until September 12 at 11:59PM PT (6:59AM UTC).
Registration Signups will start on September 8 at 7:00AM PT (2:00PM UTC). Is this the calm before the storm, is Amazon Game Studios up to something or are they just genuinely giving back to the community? New World Open Beta Time Table Servers will be available in North America, Europe, Australia and South America. Open Beta test will be on Steam’s new Playtest feature, this means, all interested players in our supported regions to request access to the test, for free. However, today, 25 August 2021 things changed for the beta, after constant pressure from the community who were thirsty for a new MMORPG to play, or rather New World to be released, Amazon Game Studio decided to hold an Open Beta Test.

While another Beta Test was requested on the same day by the community due to the delay, it was repeatedly denied stating they had no plans to do another beta. The current new release date set for Amazon’s New World MMORPG is September 28th 2021. Earlier this month, Amazon Game Studios delayed the launch due to the feedbacks received during the Beta. New World Closed Beta just closed on 2 August 201 and the community is already eager for it’s launch date. Like all MMORPGs, New World does have an in-depth storyline along with quests for any loremaster to enjoy and immerse in, otherwise, the players are able to join either or both PVE and PVP content. The game is an sandbox where players are encouraged to gain resources through various means ,whether its plundering, node utilization or through settlements. This new PVP Driven MMORPG is set in the mid-1600s, players are able to explore and settle down on Aeternum Island and join one of the three factions (Marauders, Syndicate, or Covenant). New World had an original release date in May 2020 but was delayed until August 25th 2020, then it was delayed again to August 2021 due to COVID and various other in-game issues. Amazon is the developer and publisher of New World.